All DCEU Films Ranked
The now official upcoming Snyder cut of Justice League got us thinking. Which current DCEU films do we actually enjoy?
Marvel is light years ahead of DC; that’s not a matter of opinion, but simply an objective fact. Marvel managed to create the biggest film universe and guided its audience through a decade of adventures and beautifully developed characters. DC gave us Cara Delevingne in cosplay.
We’re going to rank all eight DCEU films. Realistically, there’s only one (maybe two) that we truthfully love. Everything else we kinda have problem with. Some of it is complete trash. It seems it would be more fun to rank these from best to worst this time, so enough chit-chatting, and let’s get this show on the road.
1. Wonder Woman

Patty Jenkins’ adaptation of Wonder Woman starring Gal Gadot is the only great DCEU film. It’s an entertaining piece of cinema, a smart one, too, and one with a clear creative vision. Wonder Woman works. It works really, really well. Gal Gadot’s back must hurt from carrying the entire DCEU.
Score: 8.5/10
2. Birds of Prey

Not bad at all. Especially the first half or so. In fact, if the second half of Birds of Prey had been on the same level as the first half, it would have been really difficult to pick between this and Wonder Woman. Unfortunately, this film does fall into a couple of clichés and sometimes does become cheesy and monotonous. Also, this really didn’t have to be a ‘birds of prey’ story. The birds sucked. Harley Quinn was great. Just keep it simple, make it only about Harley Quinn.
Score: 7/10
3. Aquaman

Meh. Super cheesy and it just feels wrong talking about anything starring Amber Heard. But the action scenes were pretty fun. And we love Jason Momoa. The CGI was dope? At times, Aquaman was pretty fun. We’ll probably never rewatch it, but we also don’t regret watching it to begin with.
Score: 5.5/10
4. Shazam!

Same thing as Aquaman. Very cheesy and soft and honestly feels like something we would have loved in 2005. But it’s 2020 and film needs to evolve. Again, this was pretty fun, and one can see the vision and passion behind it. And again, we don’t regret watching it, but we wouldn’t rewatch it, either.
Score: 5/10
5. Man of Steel

We’re getting into bad territory. Not going to lie, we actually don’t remember much of the plot of Man of Steel, but we do remember walking out thinking it was underwhelming as hell. Maybe it’s Zack Snyder? We’re not fans of his filmmaking style. Man of Steel didn’t impress with anything and really didn’t do justice to such a layered character. Just disappointing.
Score: 4/10
6. Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice

Martha!? MARTHA!?
Ben Affleck smashed it as the Batman. But the film is horrible. It’s amateur storytelling, the narrative is ridiculous, the characters make no sense, everything is self-indulging and pointless. We didn’t need this. It’s condescending to both film-lovers and comic-book lovers and honestly, it’s just not cinema.
Score: 3.5/10
7. Suicide Squad

Speaking of things not being cinema, we’ve reached Suicide Squad a.k.a. literally the most disappointing film of all time. Remember the trailer? The trailer was amazing. We still remember seeing that RottenTomatoes score for the first time and being heart-broken. And then seeing the film. Wow, was that awful. It’s unfortunate, too, because Suicide Squad probably had the most potential. We genuinely feel bad for the artists who worked on this who probably got their vision destroyed by the studio.
Score: 2/10
8. Justice League

One of the worst films we’ve ever seen. Not part of the DCEU. Ever. Literally no idea how this got made or released. It’s a strange world. We don’t want to speak about this much more because really — what is there to say?
Score: 0/10
We think it’s pretty clear that it’s the DC Studio ruining their own films.
Most movies on this list, even the bad ones, do have a vision somewhere in there and do have talented creatives working hard to make something good. So DC, just do yourself a favor and leave your artists alone to make art. Makes sense, doesn’t it? We promise, it will turn out better than it has so far.
You know that quote I hire smart people and then get out of the way? Yeah, that one. Yeah, DC, you do that.
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— Pouty Boy