Game of Thrones: Tyrion Will Become the Hand of The Three-Eyed Raven Theory
The Game of Thrones saga continues. Both on HBO and here, on OurMovieLife.
In mere hours we will see the longest and possibly greatest battle in TV and cinema history. Spanning at a whopping 82 minutes, episode three of the eight and final season of Game of Thrones is bound to be pure beauty on screen.
We give appreciation to the show by publishing a Game of Thrones article every Sunday, before the new episode airs. Make sure to stay tuned. So far, we’ve talked about who Azor Ahai might be (read it here), speculated who is going to die (read it here), and expanded upon the blue-eyed giant theory (read it here).

But the following in an OurMovieLife original. We haven’t seen this theory anywhere yet, (although someone of reddit has probably put it our there already) so we’ve taken it upon ourselves to share this with the world, just in case it turns out to be true. Heavy SPOILERS ahead!
This is what we theorize might happen during the final season of Game of Thrones.
Tyrion Lannister will serve as The Hand of The Three-Eyed Raven and will be the key to saving Westeros. That’s right. Bear with us.
During the battle at Winterfell in the next episode, Bran Stark will die and all the knowledge of the world will be lost. So Westeros will be doomed. Or maybe not.
Because Tyrion already knows everything. Or, more so, knows everything he’s supposed to know. There was a moment in episode three when Tyrion sat down next to Bran and asked him about his story; the conversation is never shown on screen. We theorize that Bran has actually said to Tyrion key points about the future; he’s told him about his future death and about what Tyrion must do from then on to save Westeros.

There are a few things that make this possible.
- The conversation is actually never shown on screen. This is the biggie. Game of Thrones has been tightly following the principle of Checkov’s Gun: nothing must exist in the story is there is no purpose for it. There wasn’t a clear purpose for Tyrion to sit down next to Bran and there isn’t a reason as to why we, the viewers, should see this interaction. But there should be, according to Checkov’s Gun. And we theorize there will be.
- Episode two made a great point of Tyrion’s intelligence. We were reminded, numerous times, actually, how smart the Lannister actually is. There should be a reason for this, too.
- Similarly, it was said, a couple of times, how Tyrion has been as Dany’s Hand and what he’s done in said role. Maybe mentioning his role as Daenerys’ Hand a couple of times actually foreshadows that he will soon become a different kind of Hand with a much more important purpose.
- During the whole episode, Tyrion is the only one to say they ‘might live’ after the battle. This is a small and unlikely one, especially given the way and context in which it was said, but maybe Tyrion knows something they don’t and is literally telling the fire gang what the future is; that is, without actually telling them.
- It appears the writers have been on a stand-by with Tyrion for a couple of years. The character really isn’t as influential and important as he used to be in the earlier seasons. But Tyrion is still a huge fan-favorite. So, Dan and Dave would probably want to make something truly epic with Tyrion before his arc is completed.

So, to sum up:
Bran has told Tyrion, in the conversation they had after the strategic meeting, about what will happen during the battle and what Tyrion must do after that. Bran has revealed his future death to Tyrion and has instructed him how to continue The Three-Eyed Raven’s mission in the long run. So Tyrion has knowledge about the future that, if applied correctly, will be key to defeating The Night King.
Long shot? Maybe. Maybe it won’t happen exactly like this. But we are very certain that the conversation between Tyrion and Bran will be mentioned again and is somehow important to the story. We are certain that Tyrion Lannister knows something that we don’t know about. And maybe that will save Westeros.
One can only hope.
(Credit for the majority of this theory goes to an associate of ours. We’ll credit him via his alias, John Bender. Thanks, John.)
If you just can’t wait until the next episode and want to rewatch the series in the meantime, you can get the Blu-Ray here. Or maybe you wanna get an ‘I Drink and I Know Things’ Tyrion beer glass? Get that here.
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— Pouty Boy