Game of Thrones: The Blue-Eyed Giant Theory
The eight and final season of Game of Thrones is officially here. And as we count the minutes to episode two (mere 5 hours after posting this!), we take the opportunity to discuss yet another crazy theory fans have uncovered.
The idea we’re referring to is the blue-eyed giant theory. Unfamiliar with it? Fear not: here’s a short summary.
Rob Stark says to Bran Stark in the very beginning of the show (season 1, episode 3) that Old Nan has told him that they all live in the blue eye of a giant named Macumber. This has only been mentioned once again, in season 4, when Oberyn Martell says it to Tywin. This lore exists only in the show and not in the books.
If you need to catch up on previous seasons, you can get the blu-rays here or here. But if not, here are the scenes we are referring to:
Fans believe that there might be some truth to this ‘we all live in the blue eye of a giant’ tale since all of Old Nan’s stories have turned out to be true. So there is no reason why this one can’t be either. There is, to some extent at least, a real possibility that The Known World is, in fact, in the eye of a blue-eyed giant.
This reddit user, however, suggests a different twist on the theory; we support his analysis.
However I don’t believe the blue eyed giant is something that literally holds all of westeros. I think the myth is another homage to the Night King. Season 7 had promotions focusing on blue eyes, adding some mystery to the tale and focusing on the power the Night King has.
I believe the name Macumber belongs to the Night King. In his eyes, we all are his as he can command the dead. The only evidence I have of this is as stated before, Old Nan had been correct with all of her stories, and blue eyes have played a prominent role in the show. The Night King is the one responsible for giving all of the eyes the brilliant blue color we’ve seen.

The idea that Macumber is The Night King actually makes a lot of sense. It nicely underlines the genuine threat and massive power that The Night King holds.
We’d like to offer one addition to the theory above. The reddit user suggests that the blue-eyed giant theory might be supporting more of a symbolical image; we’d like to suggest that it might actually be foreshadowing the events ahead. Instead of saying that Macumber is The Night King because that underlines all the power that the White Walker currently holds, one might even say that Macumber is The Night King because of all the power he will hold. That being: literally all the power in Westeros.
If true, this theory might actually be revealing the end of Game of Thrones. The Night King wins. He becomes the ultimate ruler and all live to his desire. Everyone lives his reality. In his vision. In his eye.
Far fetched maybe? We get that. And while we might not believe The Night King will win, it’s interesting to think about this theory and the beautiful symbolic image that it possibly gives to The Night King.
But enough of that. Time to watch episode two.
Who will die in season 8 of Game of Thrones? Click here.
Who is Azor Ahai? Click here.
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— Pouty Boy