Game of Thrones: Who Will Die?
The eight and final season of Game of Thrones premiers in a couple of hours. Winter is officially almost here. And we couldn’t be more excited.
(If you’d like to catch up on season 7, you can stream/buy it here.)
Knowing Game of Thrones though, many of our favorite characters might not live to see the end. The series has generated thousands of different theories about its ending, each crazier than the other, so predicting anything is a sure gamble on this one. Nevertheless, here are some theories we believe might turn out to be true and here’s who we think, based on pure objective speculation, will live to see the end.

Will they die? No.
What will happen to them exactly? Jon will sit on the Iron Throne. After a conclusive season full of battles, heartbreak, and difficult choices, Jon will assume his rightful place as heir to the Iron Throne. He is The Prince That Was Promised, Azor Ahai (one of them at least), and the true savior of Westeros.
We actually wrote up a detailed prediction on what will happen with Jon. Read it here.

Will they die? Yes.
What will happen to them exactly? Dany will stand by Jon throughout his battle against the White Walkers. They will come to a place, however, where Dany’s death will be crucial to win the fight; so the Unburnt will sacrifice herself for the good of Westeros. And we predict it will be Jon that kills her, completing his transformation into Azor Ahai.

Will they die? Yes.
What will happen to them exactly? Arya will reunite with her brother at Winterfell. She will stand by him, as will Bran and Sansa, thus bringing all Starks together in Winterfell one last time. When the battle of Winterfell comes, however, (we predict episode 3) Arya will fall to the sword. Perhaps she might check a name off her list before that, though.

Will they die? No.
What will happen to them exactly? Sansa will fight, more so politically than in actual battle, for the good of Westeros and against The Night King. Once her brother sits on the throne, she will continue to stand by his side as Warden of the North.

Will they die? Yes.
What will happen to them exactly? Bran is the most powerful character in all of Westeros; he is the all-seeing Three Eyed Raven, a warg, a time traveller; and he is likely the key to defeating The Night King. We theorize that Bran will warg into the Night King; then, Jaime Lannister will kill Bran. Thus, Jaime both becomes Kingslayer yet again and the circle becomes complete: the series began with Jaime attempting to kill Bran. It seems poetic that it ends with him finally succeeding to do so, but this time saving Westeros in the meantime.

Will they die? Yes.
What will happen to them exactly? Cersei will stand as the main political obstacle in King’s Landing. She will do/attempt something truly horrific (one last act of villainy) which will make her brother Jaime finally realize that she is an evil that must be dealt with. Jaime will kill his sister – thus making the old prophecy come true.

Will they die? No.
What will happen to the exactly? Jaime will prove himself as one of the most important characters in the story and perhaps even the true savior of Westeros. As mentioned above, he will kill not only Cersei, but Bran and the Night King, too. The pain of losing Cersei will be too much for him to bear, though; he will retire from battle and politics, leave King’s Landing, and continue his life in solitude and sorrow.
For more on our theory about Jaime, click here.

Will they die? Yes.
What will happen to them exactly? We are actually unsure about this one. And we sure hope we’re wrong. But, as of now, our theory is that Tyrion will stand by Dany and Jon, fight through battles, survive, and then find his end by Cersei’s hand. It will be her last act of evil – and what an awful one it would be.
Note: we know this contradicts our theory about Jaime killing Cersei. Jaime would need to do so in King’s Landing, before travelling to Winterfell and killing Bran. Tyrion would be at Winterfell, still alive after Cersei dies. So it seems unlikely that Cersei will slay her other brother post-mortem, but that’s all we’ve got. It is Game of Thrones, after all.

Will they die? No.
What will happen to them exactly? Theon will probably fight side by side with everyone else, thus getting the redemption he so desires. He will live though; and he will retire to the Iron Islands, where he will finally rest.

Will they die? No.
What will happen to them exactly? We are strong supporters of the ‘Sam wrote A Song of Ice and Fire‘ theory. After Sam tells Jon about his true heritage and probably gives him some vital advice for winning the war, he will retire to some big library with Gilly and their child and start working on a book. And that will bring the series to a finale: we will see that what Sam is writing is, in fact, the story we’ve been watching all along.

Will they die? Yes.
What will happen to them exactly? Who knows. But Melisandre is bound to die; she is, after all, magic. And all magic must die before the tale ends.
Davos Seaworth

Will they die? No.
What will happen to them exactly? Davos Seaworth will become the Hand of the King (Jon Snow) and assume a vital role in the council for a better Westeros.
Jorah Mormont

Will they die? Yes.
What will happen to the exactly? Jorah will either sacrifice himself for Daenerys or foolishly run into battle after Daenerys is gone. It will be the death of his loved one that brings him to his own demise.

Will they die? No.
What will happen to them exactly? Bronn will fight bravely. And he will be one of the few that live through the epic battle at Winterfell. And he will finally get his castle.

Will they die? No.
What will happen to them exactly? There is just no reason for Varys to die. Who would kill him? And why? Would he die in battle? Probably not. Varys will live because of his intelligence; and perhaps assume a role in the court of the new king Jon Snow.
The Hound

Will they die? Yes.
What will happen to them exactly? The hound will die in battle. Probably the one against the White Walkers, at Winterfell, fighting alongside his old opponent Brienne of Tarth.
Brienne of Tarth

Will they die? Yes.
What will happen to them exactly? Brienne of Tarth will die in battle. Probably the one against the White Walkers, at Winterfell, fighting alongside her old opponent The Hound.
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— Pouty Boy