Oscars 2017: ‘Moonlight’ Wins Best Picture… I think?
It’s Oscar night! I’m currently watching the ceremony live and talking about some of the winners. And guess what? ‘Moonlight’ won Best Picture! I think?…
Okay, what, the hell, just happened!? I guess Steve Harvey is some sort of idol in Hollywood now. For those of you who haven’t seen the ceremony already, what happened is this: they announced that ‘La La Land’ won Best Picture, the cast came on stage, GAVE A SPEECH, and then someone said they actually lost. Everyone looked confused, then someone said ‘Moonlight’ was the actual winner and showed the card. At first, I thought it was some sort of arranged joke, I thought the cast and crew of ‘La La Land’ was in on it, but then the announcers explained that they actually made a legitimate mistake. I’m shocked. I can’t believe this happened AGAIN, honestly. And I’m telling you, the internet is gonna blow up now.
When it comes to ‘Moonlight’ winning, I’m not sure how I feel. I think it’s a better movie than ‘La La Land’, but ‘La La Land’ deserved the Oscar more. To put that in other words, my brain goes with ‘Moonlight’, but my heart goes with ‘La La Land’.
Anyway, ‘Moonlight’ won and it deserves it. Congrats to the whole cast and crew of the film! And enjoy the millions of jokes that are about to follow…
Don’t forget, this isn’t the only Oscar category I talked about tonight! If you want to check out previous reflections I wrote about the Oscars earlier on in the night, you can check them out by clicking on the links below.
What did you think about the epic mistake? What did you think about ‘Moonlight’ winning? Share your thoughts in the comments section below! Don’t forget to like and share this article if you enjoyed it!
Thanks for reading,
Pouty Boy
I was for La La Land but I am into escapism at the moment. As for the mix up. I could say something less polite about that. It was horrible. The La La Land group were elated to have won and to actually get up on the stage, have the Oscars in their hands, and be making the speech and then to find out it was a screw up….? Horrible. I have heard Warren Beatty say he read the card that was Emma Stone winning Best Actress and he was confused so he handed the card to Fay Dunaway who just seemed to see LaLa Land and said it. Pity she did not realize there was an error. Anyway the intern who gave Beatty the wrong card is not doubt banished from Hollywood for ever. It is sad really to have people messed with like this.
I thought it was absolutely awful. I mean, the cast and crew were so happy and were literally giving a speech as people realized there had been a mistake… I think Warren Beatty is THE LEAST to blame out of all people. The people backstage who mixed up the cards screwed up the most + Fay Dunaway shouldn’t have just pronounced ‘La La Land’ the winner without thinking. What a shame.