Vaping in Films
Why, the hell, aren’t there any vapers in films!?
Now, before you start commenting ‘We get it, you vape.’, I want you to really think about it. Why? I can’t find a single legitimate reason. But before I get into that, let’s discuss why there aren’t that many characters smoking cigarettes in films nowadays as there were before. Well, there are harsher regulations. If a film is rated PG-13, the main character simply can’t have a cigarette in their hands throughout the whole story. And most productions want a PG-13 rating because that way the film can reach a larger audience. To my knowledge (you can correct me in the comments section below if I’m wrong), there weren’t such regulation in the past. That’s why we see a lot more people smoking in older films than in new ones.
But why aren’t there vapers? Why can’t producers make the character vape instead of smoke? The reason I can think of is that it’s because a lot of people consider vaping to be ‘lame’ (which is simply ridiculous, but whatever). I do agree that a vape usually doesn’t give the same dramatic tension as a cigarette, especially in dramas or more heavy productions. But what about comedies? I see no problem with having one of the character in ‘Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates’, for example, vape. Especially since that would give the comedy a special flare and would make the opportunity for a lot more jokes in the movie.
Vaping has become such a big part of our community and our world. Many people still believe that it’s as bad or even worse than cigarettes and many news sites stay true to that belief. Cinema is an extremely powerful art form. It’s the most powerful art form nowadays, in my opinion. So put vapers in films! Having someone vape in a comedy will provide for more jokes and would also make the character feel more real. Most importantly, it might influence someone to try to stop cigarettes and start vaping. The amount of vaping in films is ridiculous to me. I don’t want every movie to have that, believe me, but if having someone vape stays true to the story and even improves the production, I see nothing wrong with it.
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Thanks for reading,
Pouty Boy
Thanks! 🙂
Interesting points here! Vaping is the new smoking, so Hollywood should jump on the band wagon by providing scenes of characters vaping. Check out my post ‘Vaporize Weed Everyday!’ if you want to learn more about the vaporizing phenomenon!
Sure thing, man! Thanks for the comment. 🙂
No problem man!
I’d like to see if a movie would use a vaporizer instead of a cigarette. That would be so cool. If you get a chance I would greatly appreciate it if you would follow me or check out my new blog on vaping. Either way thank you for your inspirational writings. Especially on the topic of vaping. 🙂 thanks -bel
Actually, there is a woman vaping instead of smoking in ‘Logan’. And I’ll ckeck out your blog for sure!
Cool. Thank you